Myofascial Release & Manipulation
Chartered Physiotherapy in Blackpool, St. Annes, Lytham, Poulton, Cleveleys and FleetwoodWhat is myofascial manipulation?
Myofascial release (or fascial manipulation) is a physiotherapeutic technique that seeks to locate and treat restriction in the cushioning muscle bands that span the body. Fascia surrounds and protects other tissues, muscles, tendons, bones, ligaments and organs. When it’s healthy, it stays relaxed and supportive, allowing movement without pain or restriction. After sudden trauma or through poor posture, damage to the fascia scars and hardens, creating painful areas in the body that then carry tension along the nerves. Because the internal stability of the body is affected, structures can start to become pulled out of alignment.
Fascial damage does not show up on CAT scans, MRIs or x-rays, so it is believed that many patients suffer unresolved and undiagnosed pain. That’s where myofascial release comes in as an alternative technique. Therapists are taught to feel for dense areas of collagen which form fascial restrictions around areas of damage. They then stretch carefully the fascial network, creating movements within defined sets of time in a different way from conventional sports massage or other manual therapies.